Free tarot card draw

Tarot readings are renowned for divining the future via the spread of cards and the wisdom, psychic ability and insight of the reader. These packs of 78 cards feature wands, cups, swords and pentacles in the 56 minor Arcana set, and images, such as the Hanged Man, the Fool and the Devil within the major Arcana cards. 

Answers to life's problems sometimes arrive from unusual sources, you may never have experienced a Tarot Reading in the past, yet they can give indications of your future to guide you in making decisions that are right for you and an online tarot reading could be best for an initial reading. Want to read more free cards? Go to the free card reading overview

Weekly tarot card draw©

Weekly Card Draw

Every week our tarot card drawer draws three cards with personal message. Choose your own spiritual card. Please follow the weekly card draw on Facebook

Below this week's card draw

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card 1 - Queen of Swords

A mature, perceptive woman · Independent · Loss · Pain · Separation

Queen of Swords's Meaning

The Queen of Swords represents a very perceptive individual, sharp-witted and professionally distant. You will most likely find her to be your aid and counsel, possibly a teacher. Not necessarily female, but likely to be, this person should be trusted and may take an interest in you, but that interest is unlikely to be romantic. A powerful ally, respect her intelligence and you will be rewarded with peerless guidance.


Your strict idealization of perfection may be causing you stress or pain. By continue to uphold this ideal, you will make it impossible to achieve.


Expect counsel from a sharp witted elder who may be a woman. It is possible to maintain your independence while accepting help from friends.


Do not focus so intensely on your goals, as this may be constricting your ability to achieve them. Rely on your strong spirit to illuminate the bigger picture to you.

Yes / No Key Interpretation

The Queen of Swords is an analytical, independent problem-solver. She brings with her mental clarity or an end to something troubling in your life but not without a painful loss or separation. She is stoic and astute but gives nothing away as a positive or negative outcome. Maybe is the only answer.

card 1 - Queen of Swords

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card 2 - Six of Wands

Completion · Good news · Reward and Recognition · Success · Triumph

Six of Wands's Meaning

Your past efforts are about to pay dividends if you find the Six of Wands in your spread. Whether in the form of recognition for your past work or material reward, some level of success is in your future. If you are waiting for some particular news, this card is most likely a portent of good news. However, it is also gentle reminder that magnanimity and grace should accompany your success. To avoid losing friends and inviting retributions, do not let the good fortune go to your head.


The effort and inspirations of your past have brought you to where you stand now. Continue on your path and you will find rewards.


There is good news coming. Though it may be conditional, this change will greatly aid your pursuit of fulfillment.


There is triumph at the end of your road. To find it will require careful navigation and the removal of opposition, but all that you desire can be achieved.

Yes / No Key Interpretation

The Six of Wands shows triumph, victory, and success in your endeavors. It suggests a person feeling exalted because of winning and finding the inspiration needed to move forward. Good news is the overall feeling in the presence of this card. The answer is yes.

card 2 - Six of Wands

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card 3 - Eight of Swords

Constraint · Disillusioned · Frustration · Obstacles · Restrictions

Eight of Swords's Meaning

Some things in life are beyond your control, and the VIII of Swords suggests that you are being actively held back by some of them. This can something as personal as a bad boss or as sweeping as international politics. In any case, you are likely finding your options restricted at every turn, and may being experiencing rising frustration and anxiety. Your best course of action lies with the only thing you can control: You. Approach this situation with patience, and be ready to move when the situation changes.


The desire to avoid confrontation stems from your aversion to causing others pain. This is an admirable trait, but may prevent you from acting on your best interests.


The obstacles before you will only be overcome by your courage and patience. The demands of others are locking you up and restricting you from growing.


Do not fear using your own judgment to determine the path for yourself. If you ignore your feelings and believe others over yourself, you will miss the importance chances to change your life.

Yes / No Key Interpretation

The Eight of Swords is a card showing the presence of obstructions and difficult obstacles. It shows a fear of failure as well as sheer bad luck. The frustration and constraint overriding the tone of this card points toward an answer of no to the question you are asking.

card 3 - Eight of Swords

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Ways Tarot Readings Assist Individuals

Tarot Readings rely upon the cards for indications. This ancient wisdom is another key to your soul, allowing you to become more self aware and understand your reasons for behaving in the ways you do. You will start to realize the deeper purpose to your life, it's often hidden to most people as they aren't prepared to dig deep within themselves and take the step forward into understanding. As your online Tarot Reading progresses you will see the way the Tarot Cards fall into a spread becomes more relevant to your situation. Your professional Tarot Reader has developed skills in clairvoyancy over many years of practicing Tarot and when this is combined with your energies, the Tarot deck will attune to you and your life situation.

You should not expect your Tarot Reading to provide direct answers to the questions you need answered. It is a way for you to divine your path in life after examining all the options available, using your own insight and wisdom while being guided by the way the Tarot Cards fall into spreads. The difference between expert Tarot Readers and novice readers is the understanding and awareness applied by the Reader to the spread of cards and depth of meaning extracted from spreads. It's easy to gain superficial understanding and insight from a spread, answering some problems in a basic fashion. Skilled and knowledgeable Tarot Readers have acquired deeper levels of meaning and information from the cards.

Benefits of Online Tarot Reading

The deck of Tarot Cards and Tarot Readings are an ancient form of wisdom, which may have originated in Egypt or the Far East in either India or China. The philosophies of the ancient worlds have helped mankind for centuries and Tarot Readings are no exception.

When you opt for an online Tarot Reading from, you are choosing readings from experts who have spent many years honing their skills in Tarot. Finding a Tarot Reader in your community may be more difficult, particularly if you are looking for the best readers with the most knowledge of the ancient art. Arranging an online Tarot Reading allows you to select from a number of different readers, to find the expert reader most suited to your needs.

Before your reading, you should relax and quietly contemplate the questions you want answering. Your Tarot Reading can be directed to find the answers to queries about relationships, career and money, finances, love and lifestyle. In fact, any problems in life that need thinking through with care can be addressed by your Tarot Reader and your influence and energies will be used to predict and divine what could be the best answers for you.

Achieving spiritual awareness and knowledge is a difficult target for anybody, particularly when life's pressures can cause so much stress. The very task of living and surviving takes over for many people, they don't dig into their inner psyche to discover the wealth of inner peace that can be achieved. You can develop your true inner self, with the assistance of Tarot Reading and other forms of ancient philosophy available from When you take time to develop your personal inner wisdom, you will reflect greater self confidence and awareness, attracting other people to your aura and being. Don't struggle with problems or jump from one crisis to another, when skilled Tarot Readers can assist you in achieving the life balance you need, and making the right decisions in life to ensure you keep moving forward and growing.