The Most Liked Zodiac Sign Revealed in Twitter Study - Psychic World
An adventurous Aries, a wise Aquarius or a loyal Capricorn? Find out which zodiac sign is the most (and least!) liked in our latest Twitter study.

Are you a fiery Aries or a level-headed Virgo? Zodiac signs have the ability to influence our personality, our behaviour, and how we connect with others. This means that some zodiac signs tend to be more popular, while others often take a step back from the crowd.

To find out which sign is most liked online, scraped thousands of tweets on the popular social networking platform, Twitter, to see the public’s opinions about each zodiac and whether they were more positive or negative.

Twitter ranking of the zodiac signs

1. Aries

Taking the crown is the adventurous Aries. Because of their liveliness, Aries can make anything seem exciting. On Twitter, 62.3% of tweets were positive, which is 30% higher than the average of 48.10% across the 12 signs.

Although this energy can be full-on, with words such as ‘openness’ and ‘determined’ used to describe Aries, they are the least disliked sign out of the entire zodiac, with only 11.95% of the tweets found to be negative.

2. Sagittarius

Hot on the ram’s heels is Sagittarius. Their love for life is infectious and draws most people to them. It's no wonder they're among the most liked zodiac signs on Twitter, as their kindness, sense of humour, and cool demeanour instantly make you feel comfortable.

Over half of the tweets analysed about this sign were positive, while 25.34% were neutral and only 14.99% were negative.

3. Leo

Completing the top three is the final fire sign, Leo, which is renowned for its popularity. One thing that makes Leos so special is the admiration they bring out in people, and our research only confirms this with 53.41% of tweets about this sign deemed positive.

Their outgoing nature and confidence make them a popular sign, but they can also rub some people the wrong way. While only 13.61% of tweets were negative, 32.98% could be viewed as neutral with neither love nor hatred for the sign.

Inbaal Honigman, a renowned psychic and expert healer, explains why these three fire signs are so popular:

“Everyone's favourite signs are fire - outgoing, funny, the life and soul of the party; they clearly have their fans. They're extroverted and don't hold anything back.”

4. Libra

With ‘weighing’ as one of the most common sentiments about this sign, Libra is bringing some balance to this list at number four. As Libras tend to take their popularity quite seriously, this will come as a relief. According to our analysis, what will thrill Libras even more is that the word ‘beauty’ is one of the most positive sentiments associated with this sign.

Libras are very social and want to be well-liked, so 51.91% of tweets about them being positive and only 13.82% saying anything negative will be welcome news.

Inbaal says, “Libra is the one air sign that's doing much better than the other air signs - Libras are the peacekeepers of the zodiac, so they are always needed to referee the others."

5. Pisces

Up next is the sign of many born psychics: Pisces. It is Pisces' nature to help others and, as a result, they tend to be quite popular. Their selfless (yet emotional) personality has earned them 51.68% positivity on Twitter.

Despite having their solitary moments, Pisces can be the centre of attention when they feel sociable. This balance means that 33.09% of tweets were neutral and just 15.22% negative.

6. Capricorn

Loyal and helpful are two words often used to describe Capricorns. In fact, over half of tweets about this sign were positive, and 29.61% were found to be written in a neutral tone.

Capricorns tend to keep their group small and have a couple of close friends they can really depend on. However, this may seem like they shut themselves off from other people, which could justify the 19.74% of negative tweets.

7. Taurus

Taureans have a style and charisma that draws people to them. Unlike Capricorn, Taurus is not shy, and most will happily be the loudest in a room, which seems to be a good thing as 50.19% of tweets about this sign were positive.

Those born under the Taurus sign can be easy to get along with, as long as you don’t argue with them. This strong sign won't compromise and won't concede, explaining the 17.19% negativity across tweets.

8. Cancer

In eighth place of Twitter’s most-liked zodiac signs is the extremely devoted Cancer. Almost half of the tweets (49%) were positive and over 29% neutral, meaning the majority of people have a strong opinion on this water sign.

20.71% of tweets in this study were negative, the second highest out of all 12 signs. While this sign is not for everyone, plenty of people appreciate the Cancerians in their lives.

9. Virgo

Most Virgos don't mind if they're not the most popular zodiac sign, so people belonging to this zodiac won’t be too offended when they hear they’re only number nine on the most liked zodiac signs on Twitter and only 47.61% of the tweets about the sign were positive.

A Virgo's harshness, critical words, and general fussiness may turn a lot of people away, and this shows with the 15.19% negativity and 37.19% neutrality when it comes to tweets.

Inbaal wasn’t surprised to see Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo in these positions, “All the Earth signs are bunched together right in the middle, and that's so Earth! Those signs are dependable, stable and calm, and they don't care what others think of them!”

10. Gemini

Geminis can often have a bad reputation and can be seen as two-faced if you don’t truly understand the sign. With 45% of tweets found to be positive on Twitter, it’s fair to say that Geminis can be polarising.

This is bad news for Geminis as they often thrive on being popular and are usually described as being social. They have the third highest percentage of negative tweets at over 20%; however, many other tweets remained neutral (over 34%).

11. Aquarius

The slightly wacky yet wise Aquarius personality can be hit or miss. You either love their dedication to thinking outside of the box or find it tiresome. Unfortunately, with just 45.19% positivity on Twitter, it seems to be the latter with most.

The bright side of this is that this sign has the highest percentage of neutral tweets (41.09%) out of the whole zodiac, so it seems most people don’t feel too strongly about Aquarians.

12 .Scorpio (44.29% positivity)

According to our analysis of tweets, Scorpio is the least liked zodiac sign on Twitter. Rather than making friends with everyone, more often than not Scorpio’s seek close relationships with a small group of people instead, which could explain why they have the least number of positive tweets (44%).

However, despite having the most negative tweets of all zodiac signs (21%), it’s not all bad for Scorpio’s as over 33% of tweets are neutral, and ‘sexy’ is one of the most common adjectives associated with the sign.

Inbaal believes this water sign is the least liked on Twitter due to a misunderstanding: “The bottom sign is a water sign, introverted and profound. They are often misunderstood. Their loving and loyal nature is hidden behind a quiet facade, so they don't gain a following as readily as their peers. One water sign rises way above the others, Pisces, who tend to put others ahead of themselves!”


The most positive sentiments associated with each zodiac sign

Methodology: conducted a study into which Zodiac signs are the most liked on Twitter.

  1. Python Snscrape library was utilised to collect Twitter content for each of the 12 Zodiac signs through matching the complete phrase “X Sign". The content language was filtered to English. Up to 15,000 tweets were analysed for each Zodiac sign.
  2. When collating data for “Cancer Sign,” tweets including keywords related to the disease were identified and removed from the sample so as not to impede results.
  3. A sentiment analysis, which is a text analysis method that detects polarity (e.g. a positive or negative opinion), was carried out. VADER (NLTK library) was applied to each Tweet to establish a positive score, negative score, neutral score, and a compound score. Thresholds were set for the compound score and labelled each Tweet as positive, negative, or neutral.
  4. Zodiac signs were ranked in accordance with their positive sentiment percentage.
  5. The NLTK library in Python was utilised to tokenise each tweet and count the word frequency for each Zodiac sign. Positive and negative sentiment related words were filtered to establish the most prevalent sentiments for each Zodiac sign.
  6. Data was collected on 14/10/21.