Leo and Aquarius Compatability Percentage



Overall Compatibility


Join us as we explore compatibility between Leo and Aquarius in all of life’s most important areas, from the workplace to marriage. We’ll use our expert psychic chat and knowledge of astrology to assign compatibility percentages to each area that suggest how well-matched these zodiac signs truly are.









Sex and Intimacy


Open Minded




Interests and Hobbies






Trust and loyalty














Sex and Intimacy

Open Minded



Interests and hobbies




Trust and loyalty





Leo and Aquarius compatibility has mixed potential. On the one hand, the two zodiac signs align greatly in sex and intimacy, with a compatibility score of 88% for this criterion. On the other hand, the pair falls drastically in terms of their compatibility in communication (50%).

There is seemingly more balance when it comes to aspects such as interest and hobbies (77%), where Leo and Aquarius share a love of a faster pace and trust and loyalty (76%) - although here, we see that Leo has a stronger sense of this compared with the more moderate Aquarius.


Let’s explore what might happen when the ferocious Lion mixes with the independent Water-Bearer.

a breakdown of Leo and AQUARIUS compatibility



Communication between Leo and Aquarius can be passionate and creative, and they can chat on an intellectual level, too. Both signs can bond over their cleverness, and this bond contributes significantly to their union. Both signs also have a natural power to influence those around them and, therefore, the direction any communication takes.

Aquarius, a sign led by Uranus, brings boundless energy and creativity to their communication, while Leo is often direct and bold in their words and actions. Together, they can create quite an impactful dynamic. However, there’s every chance the pair will clash over how they communicate. Aquarius can have somewhat unconventional thoughts, which Leo might not always get, and the stubborn Lion won’t put much effort into understanding them either.

Ultimately, the two are fixed signs, too, meaning they are set in their ways and unlikely to change, not even for the sake of their partner. This can make it very challenging for the two to compromise and see things from different angles, limiting their potential to develop their communication.

Sex and Intimacy


Sex and intimacy between a Leo and an Aquarius can be passionate, even electrifying. The blend of fire and air is more intense than many other matches in the zodiac, with Aquarius fanning the flames of Leo.

Compatibility in this area is both exhilarating and fulfilling for both of them. Aquarius’ natural curiosity and sense of innovation also help to encourage Leo to explore sexual dimensions they would never have before, and this can help to keep their sex and intimacy dynamics vibrant.

However, both signs have prominent personalities and egos. Leo’s desire for control could clash with Aquarius's desire for freedom and independence, and power struggles in the bedroom could subsequently ensue.

Their communication challenges could also affect this aspect of their relationship, with both struggling to voice their desires clearly despite their natural passion. Aquarius, too, will need to be mindful of their tendency to emotionally detach, as this could leave Leo feeling insecure, especially since the lion is more likely to crave a deeper emotional connection during intimate moments.

Interests and Hobbies


Thankfully, Leo and Aquarius focus more on collaborating than competing in terms of interests and hobbies. Leo, of course, is competitive, but Aquarius does not match this urge. Therefore, the two can enjoy playing team-based games or sports, releasing their energy and working together to win. It’s a collaborative spirit that makes this union unique. Both signs are adventurous, and they will enjoy the challenge and novelty of thrilling experiences and lively events they can share.

However, there is potential for challenges in compatibility to arise, too. Perhaps one of the biggest challenges lies in balancing Aquarius’s need for independence with Leo’s constant need for attention. This could disrupt the balance between how they spend time and lead them to struggle over pursuing individual interests or doing something together.

If Leo and Aquarius lean too far into individual pursuits, they risk drifting apart, leading to disconnection. Leo and Aquarius must prioritize spending quality time together for this reason but acknowledge that now and again, they will need space, too.

Trust and Loyalty


Leo and Aquarius can have varying degrees of compatibility in trust and loyalty. Both Signs value honesty in their relationships and emphasize the importance of trust from the outset. Both signs, too, are loyal not only to their loved ones but also to their principles. Ultimately, both signs share a vision for life, full of common goals and aspirations. They know they can rely on one another to reach these dreams, strengthening the level of trust between them tenfold.

However, challenges can arise for the pair. Aquarius’s strong sense of independence can leave Leo doubtful that they are as committed to the relationship as they are. Aquarius, too, can potentially detach emotionally, widening the trust issues Leo might begin to feel as their relationship progresses. Both signs also have the potential to seek validation from others outside of the relationship, albeit in different ways.

Leo loves being admired and seeks praise constantly; they do not care where it comes from. While they receive flattery from others, it could cause jealousy to brew in the Water-Bearer. Similarly, Aquarius needs to maintain mental stimulation constantly, and if they can’t get the intellectual validation they need from Leo, they’ll seek it from others.

Once again, communication will become crucial for the two as they navigate, ensuring that each feels seen and understood as their relationship moves into the long term.

types of Leo and Aquarius compatibility


Learn more about Leo and Aquarius as they move through times of conflict and peace they face daily.



Leo and Aquarius can be compatible in love and marriage. The vibrant and energetic Leo complements Aquarius's determined and somewhat sophisticated nature in many ways. They have the potential to balance one another. One of the most unique qualities of a Leo-Aquarius pairing is its ability to turn even the most mundane moments of life into something fun and exciting. Aquarius finds Leo’s zeal captivating, and Leo admires Aquarius is true to themselves and original.

However, their compatibility has its challenges. The two signs must be mindful of balancing their time together, as Aquarius’s natural urge to be unrestrained can potentially cause problems for the dominating Lion. For these signs, it’s about balancing unpredictability and predictability. Leo likes a stable life and feeling secure in their relationships, but Aquarius is spontaneous and can’t be tied down.

Communication, too, will be a big challenge for Leo and Aquarius, and they must work hard to improve this aspect of their compatibility. Otherwise, the disconnect they’ll begin to feel the longer they are together could eventually break them apart.

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Leo and Aquarius's friendships have great potential. They unite over shared intelligence and aspirations, and as friends, they can encourage and inspire one another to push to break new boundaries. They also have a deep respect for each other’s individuality and have it within themselves to allow one another the freedom to pursue their path - just as long as the Lion feels seen and secure at the same time.

Yet, their fixed personalities can also add a stubbornness into the mix that only makes their strong-willed natures more obvious. This could lead to conflict if the two signs aren’t considered carefully.

Leo and Aquarius must also be careful not to create too much space between themselves when focusing on doing what they want and working to reconnect and rekindle their friendship when needed. If one friend dominates the relationship or consistently prioritizes their own need above the other’s, it’ll lead to resentment and an imbalance in the friendship that’ll be tricky to overcome.

Despite their differences, though, Leo and Aquarius respect one another, and they share the confidence that their friendship is one of value. Hence, they aren’t likely to give up on each other easily, even if they sometimes feel like it.



Leo and Aquarius have the potential to be compatible in business and work, but there’s no denying there are advantages and challenges to this dynamic.

On the positive side, Leo and Aquarius are hugely creative, with Leo’s flair and Aquarius’s groundbreaking ideas driving the business forward. The forward-thinking Water-Bearer complements Leo’s ambitious vision, not to mention their well-matched energy and ability to collaborate effortlessly, which only adds to their significant impact on the workplace.

However, the two have the potential to clash, particularly when the direct and bold Lion faces Aquarius, who is detached and often thinks or feels anything other than what the Lion has to say. Both might need help to balance their egos, particularly in a professional environment, when clear communication becomes even more critical.

Ultimately, though, Leo and Aquarius thrive on their ability to collaborate and work as one. Their shared ambition and understanding of this value in the other is ideally placed for the two as colleagues. Communication must be bettered between the two to maintain the working environment for themselves and their teams.



A Leo woman and an Aquarius man might not seem like apparent matches, as they are opposites on the zodiac wheel. But the two have great potential for compatibility, particularly in terms of sex and intimacy. They are both passionate and somewhat dramatic, which can make their love life more than invigorating. They just need to be careful that their larger-than-life egos do not come into play and fight for dominance.

Similarly, compatibility for a Leo man and an Aquarius woman is strong, primarily due to their shared values and outlook on life.

Compatibility will either thrive or fail for Leo and Aquarius men. Aquarius is intelligent and might find Leo’s brash and bold style overbearing. Both signs hold strong, fixed views, too, which can make it harder for them to find balance as a partnership. But they are naturally drawn to one another and share a passion that might be enough to sustain them.

For a Leo woman and an Aquarius woman to have successful compatibility, it comes down to whether they can overcome potential trust issues. These issues are sometimes sparked when Aquarius gets too comfortable with their freedom and doesn’t check in enough to keep Leo happy and feeling secure, which they desire above all else. Both partners must ensure these trust issues do not widen over time.


Leo and Aquarius have an overall compatibility score of 73%. The mixture of air and fire can undoubtedly help to keep their passion ablaze and is no doubt partly why the two signs connect more than ever when it comes to sex and intimacy.

The two are also quite balanced regarding interests and levels of trust, but for successful compatibility in the long term, much more work needs to be done on how these signs communicate.

Their communication clash has the potential to impact every vital aspect of their lives together. If they can’t make it work better, they risk having nothing romantic that’ll last.