Leo and Libra Compatability Percentage



Overall Compatibility


Here we’ll use our expert psychic chat to find out how compatible Leo and Libra are in areas like love, marriage, and the workplace. To do this, we’ll explore astrology and assign a relevant compatibility score for each of life’s aspects to see how well Leo and Libra get along.









Sex and Intimacy


Open Minded




Interests and Hobbies






Trust and loyalty














Sex and Intimacy

Open Minded



Interests and hobbies




Trust and loyalty





Leo and Libra are a fairly compatible pair. Communication between the two signs is strong (59%) and even higher in sex and intimacy, scoring 63%.

There are differences when it comes to interests and hobbies, though. Leo prefers fast-paced interests, and Libra prefers a more moderate pace. However, it seems as though the two will find common ground, as their compatibility in this area reaches 75% - the highest percentage score of all the criteria.

Similarly, Leo and Libra have a solid score in trust and loyalty, resulting in a 73% compatibility rating.


Let’s look at the unique partnership between Leo and Libra in more detail to better understand how the big-hearted Lion works with the Scales.

a breakdown of Leo and LIBRA compatibility



Leo and Libra can enjoy a sparkling connection. Conversations between the two are often lively and reflective of their charismatic and outgoing personalities. The Lion is known for being a passionate and confident talker and they have a gift for keeping whoever they’re talking to captivated. In a similar way, Libra has the ability to connect with people. Yet, they are more reserved in this than Leo and often rely on their intuition to guide the conversation. These two zodiac signs have great potential to converse well with each other and others around them.

However, like most couples, there are challenges. Sometimes the zodiac signs’ enthusiasm for talking might lead them to talk over one another and not really listen to what the other is saying. They must be mindful of this to be successful together and give each other the space to fully express themselves without the other chiming in. At the end of the day, both Leo and Libra would do well to remember that listening is as important as speaking.

Sex and Intimacy


Leo and Libra can look forward to a passionate and intimate connection in sex and intimacy. The two are not only physically adventurous in the bedroom, but they value the emotional aspect of their relationship too, and will appreciate the loving bond that they can create together. Both are passionate and expressive with their feelings, too, which only strengthens this bond.

It’s a good thing that Libra is a sign that is willing to provide reassurance and admiration for their partner because this is something the Lion craves. Indeed, the Lion is known for liking their ego-stroked and Libra’s penchant for balance can help to keep this in check and ensure that their relationship isn’t one-sided, putting their Scales to good use. However, there will be times when this becomes exhausting for Libra, especially if they feel their own needs are being neglected, so Leo, too, must learn when to put their ego aside.

In the end, Leo and Libra have the power to create sexual compatibility that is a powerful blend of their passionate natures, and thanks to Libra, one that is balanced too.

Interests and Hobbies


Leo and Libra have great compatibility in interests and hobbies. So much so that they can often be inseparable. Both are naturally sociable and the life of the party, they thrive in social settings and will have no problem basking in the attention they receive from others around them. Travelling, too, is a passion Leo and Libra share. They will relish exploring new destinations together. Whether it’s a weekend getaway or a luxury vacation, it doesn’t matter to them. What’s important is creating memories together.

However, while Leo and Libra share much in common, there could be challenges too. As both thrive in the spotlight, they’ll need to be careful not to compete or allow jealousy to creep in if one is getting more attention than the other. Both signs, too, can sometimes struggle to come to an agreement, and this could lead to delays when it comes to things like making plans together.

Despite these potential downsides, the fact that Leo and Libra are strong communicators and share a genuine love for one another can help them overcome any challenges that do arise. It’s about becoming aware of each other’s differences and working together to find a compromise that works.

Trust and Loyalty


The good news is that both Leo and Libra highly value trust and loyalty. Leo is straightforward by nature, and this can be reassuring to Libra. Libra deeply appreciates honesty but also has a tendency to avoid conflict with their partners.

Libra must be careful that this doesn’t mean they let potential issues slip through the net unresolved. If they do, it could damage trust between the two in the future. Libra can be indecisive and uncertain, too, and this could make Leo feel insecure, especially when this uncertainty is linked to them.

For Leo, they must be mindful that the need for admiration and attention is not misunderstood by Libra as a way to get validation from others outside of their relationship, as this can cause Libra to feel insecure and become less trusting of the Lion over time.

Overall, Leo and Libra are very trusting and loyal by nature, and this is a promising indicator of how compatible they are in this area, as long as they maintain their communication and do not let misunderstandings go unaddressed.

types of Leo and Libra compatibility


Let’s take a closer look at how Leo and Libra connect in life and when they can expect to experience harmony or conflict.



Like their sparkling communication compatibility, Leo and Libra can expect a vibrant love and marriage. In many ways, the two signs balance one another. Libra is kind and can soothe Leo in the moments when their ego inflates without it feeling like a critique. Leo can be the decisive force Libra needs when they are struggling to make up their mind. While Leo’s passion and Libra’s thoughtfulness add even more strings to their compatibility bow.

A marriage between the two can thrive on respect and confidence that they can embrace life’s ups and downs together in a way where both signs feel cherished despite their differences.

One of the biggest challenges the two may face in love and marriage, though, is their differences in temperament. Leo thrives on drama and excitement, whereas all Libra wants is to maintain the peace. This could mean that Leo almost encourages disagreements between the two to last longer than they should, while Libra just wants things to return to normal as soon as possible.

To avoid prolonging inevitable disagreements and to help their love endure, Leo and Libra must work together to understand one another’s viewpoints, communicate, and compromise in a way that works for them both.

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Leo and Libra can form a unique friendship, partly due to the union of Venus and the Sun. This connection helps to bring stability to a relationship between these two signs and might even result in them having a more profound understanding as friends.

Perhaps the greatest quality of friendship compatibility between Leo and Libra is that they provide one another with something perhaps the other lacks - or hasn’t entirely realized yet. For example, Leo could encourage Libra to be less in their head and become more proactive. Diplomatic Libra can bring Leo back down to Earth when they feel like they are becoming too bold. It’s a supportive and balanced friendship that takes both partners for what they are but also allows them to grow and learn from each other.



Leo and Libra can align in the workplace. Leo is a natural leader, something which Libra finds admirable. More often than not, the Scales will feel more than happy to let the Lion take charge. This acceptance of their roles within the workplace can help the two signs work better together. Where Leo is to take on roles that are more managerial in nature and Libra can set about applying their tact in positions where interpersonal skills are crucial.

Both Leo and Libra can be successful in business and work, but they could come to clash as colleagues if they overlook certain differences. Leo likes to make quick decisions and actions, and they may feel like Libra’s struggle to make choices has the potential to slow down or delay projects.

Leo’s dominant nature, too, could completely overshadow Libra, who may come to feel undervalued in the workplace. Something that Leo should bear in mind, too, is the importance of work-life balance. The Lion has a strong work ethic and an ambition that can lead them to focus on their career at the expense of others, such as their partner. Libra will struggle to understand this because they work hard to ensure a balance in all aspects of their life.

Overall, Leo and Libra can learn to be a successful team in the workplace. But they will need to consider their differences if they are working closely as colleagues, and be open and honest with how they feel through effective communication. Once again, compromise is key.



Compatibility between a Leo woman and a Libra man can be strong. Indeed, love between these two signs can be long-lasting and centered on a pure love of fun. There’s no denying that Leo has a zest for life, which is reflected in its passionate nature, and the kind-hearted Libra is more than happy to come along for the ride.

Compatibility between a Leo man and a Libra woman can be complimentary too. Libra will no doubt find the passionate Leo attractive, quickly falling under his spell and surrounding to his dominance. Leo, too, will captivated by the gentle and kind nature of the Scales, which, although more reserved than his own nature, is as deeply passionate in its own way.

The compatibility between a Leo man and a Libra man is yet another blend of fire and air. Although the two are naturally different, they complement one another too and they are hugely respectful of one another’s values. There’s no judgement in a pairing of this kind, and that can go a long way in how successful the two will be in long-term love.

Similarly, a Leo woman and a Libra woman are confident in their knowledge that they can learn a lot about themselves through the other, and they will relish the opportunity to get to know each other more deeply as they recognize their relationship’s value.


Overall, Leo and Libra have a fair compatibility score of 68%. While the two excel in areas like hobbies and trust, they could potentially fall down in other important areas of life, and that’s most obvious in communication compatibility.

Both signs are highly social and cherish attention from others, but because of this, they could clash or compete for all the attention that they feel they deserve. This doesn’t bode well for long-term love when, over time, both signs could become either highly frustrated or just plain exhausted by the other.