Leo and Pisces Compatability Percentage



Overall Compatibility


Are you a Leo or Pisces intrigued to see how compatible you are, then you’ve come to the right place. We’ve got all the information, whether you’re looking for a partner, friend or someone to conquer the world of business with.

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Sex and Intimacy


Open Minded




Interests and Hobbies






Trust and loyalty














Sex and Intimacy

Open Minded



Interests and hobbies




Trust and loyalty





The table above shows the compatibility of both Leo and Pisces, highlighting the differences between the two. For example, in terms of communication, Leo is more assertive, whereas Pisces is a little more subtle and will communicate more via body language.

They also have other differences. For example when it comes to being intimate they have quite different tastes. Leos wish to be bolder, whereas Pisces prioritizes the emotional connection they have with the person they are with.


Let’s explore the similarities and differences between Leo and Pisces to see how compatible these two star signs are.

a breakdown of Leo and PISCES compatibility



Leo and Pisces represent two distinct communication styles, each influenced by their ruling planets and elemental natures.

Leo is a fire sign, ruled by the sun, which makes them communicate with more assertiveness, enthusiasm and, in some cases, a flair for the dramatic. They do not find it difficult to communicate in a straightforward manner, expressing their opinion clearly and passionately. This can make them a weak communicator as they can often upset people when in an argument. This directness can cause problems in relationships, especially those with more sensitive star signs.

Pisces, a water sign governed by Neptune, prefers to communicate in a far more subtle manner. Pisceans will often rely on nonverbal cues and emotional undercurrents, meaning that their way of expressing themselves is often more cryptic. These subtle cues may be something that a headstrong Leo struggles to pick up. Pisces find it easy to be highly receptive to the emotions of others, so can become frustrated when others around them don’t have the same abilities.

When Leo and Pisces interact, their communication can flip from enriching to heated and explosive. Leo’s bold and unambiguous speech might overwhelm Pisces, whose responses can become quite emotionally charged, especially when confronted by the directness of a Leo. This can lead to frustration from Leo’s perspective, who simply want Pisces just to speak their mind.

It’s vital that both signs put an effort into understanding their differences. And both can help each other learn and grow as communicators. Leo can help Pisces articulate their often nebulous thoughts and feelings more clearly, while Pisces can teach Leo the value of empathy and listening to unspoken emotions.

Sex and Intimacy


Leo and Pisces approach sex and intimacy with differing, yet potentially complementary perspectives. Like with their communication style, Leo likes to be dynamic and expressive when it comes to intimate encounters. They crave admiration and thrive on bold, theatrical expressions of affection, which can make their approach to sex both exhilarating and straightforward.

Leos enjoy being admired and often seek to impress their partner with their prowess and generosity in the bedroom.

Pisces prefer a more emotional and soulful approach to intimacy. This water sign values deep emotional connections and seeks a transcendent experience in their sexual relationships. Pisces like to emphasize the emotional bond they have with their partner over mere physical satisfaction.

The compatibility between Leo and Pisces in sexual matters hinges on their ability to appreciate and adapt to each other’s styles. Leo can learn from Pisces the value of emotional depth and the beauty of having a more spiritual connection with the person you are with.

By the same notion, Leo can give Pisces more confidence and vitality in the bedroom. It’s a matter of embracing what the other partner loves, which for Pisces involves love-making that is more gentle, whereas Pisces may have to occasionally match Leo’s enthusiasm and directness.

Interests and Hobbies


Leo and Pisces can have distinctly different interests and hobbies, which reflects their diverging elemental signs. However, their varied passions can lead to a richly diverse relationship if both partners embrace each other’s interests with openness and curiosity.

Leos are typically drawn to activities that are sociable, engaging and spotlight-worthy. They likely enjoy hobbies that involve performing, such as theater or dance, or competitive sports that allow them to showcase their prowess and leadership skills. Leos thrive in settings where they can express themselves boldly and be admired for their talents.

In contrast, Pisces tend to gravitate towards activities that allow for more introspection, creativity and emotional expression. This might include quieter, more artistic pursuits like painting, music, or writing, which provides a medium for their deep feelings and imaginative dreams. Many Pisces enjoy the solitude that these activities can bring.

For Leo and Pisces to find common ground in hobbies and interests, they must cultivate an appreciation for their partner’s passions. While Leo can introduce Pisces to more social and vibrant activities, Pisces can share with Leo the joy found in quieter, introspective pursuits. Together they can expand their horizons, learning to find pleasure in both the spotlight and working alone.

Trust and Loyalty


Leo and Pisces face distinct challenges and opportunities when it comes to building trust and loyalty in their relationship, largely due to their different elemental natures. Leo values honesty and straightforwardness. They are naturally loyal and expect their displays of generosity and commitment to be reciprocated openly and honestly. Leo’s direct approach can sometimes be too intense for more sensitive signs, leading to potential misunderstandings.

Pisces often deals with trust in a more fluid and intuitive manner. They are sensitive and can be secretive. This isn’t necessarily out of dishonesty but because they process emotions internally and often fear being misunderstood. Their tendency to retreat into their own world or avoid confrontations can sometimes make Leo feel insecure or suspicious, questioning the loyalty of their Piscean partner.

For trust and loyalty to deepen between Leo and Pisces, both must make considerable efforts to align their expectations and communication styles. Leo needs to offer Pisces the emotional space and understanding they require, recognizing that Pisces’ loyalty is rarely expressed through overt declarations. At the same time, Pisces should strive to be more open and direct with Leo, reassuring them with clear communication and presence.

types of Leo and Pisces compatibility


Investigate the compatibility between Leo and Pisces in the context of love and marriage, friendship, as well as the high stakes world of business and work.



Leo and Pisces, when it comes to love and marriage, bring contrasting yet potentially harmonizing qualities to their union. Leo radiates confidence, warmth and charisma, offering a strong foundation of loyalty and commitment. They seek a partner who admires and applauds their achievements, providing the affection and recognition they crave.

Pisces prefers to approach love with deep emotional insights and yearning for a soulful connection. They offer compassion and empathy, qualities that can deeply touch Leo’s heart and fulfil their need for emotional intimacy. Pisces often seek a partner who appreciates their sensitivity and supports their dreams, creating a nurturing environment for mutual growth.

Sometimes, aligning these different values can prove to be a challenge. Leo’s fiery and sometimes self-centred nature can clash with Pisces’ fluid, self-sacrificing tendencies. However, if Leo learns to embrace and respect Pisces’ emotional depth and Pisces learns to understand Leo’s need for admiration, then their marriage can flourish.

Leo can also encourage Pisces to be more self-confident, whilst Pisces can show Leo the value of unconditional love and empathy.

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There is no reason why Leo and Pisces can’t have a long-lasting friendship together.

Leo is naturally outgoing and isn’t afraid to be in the spotlight. Thus, they will gravitate to social situations where they can show off their charismatic and bold demeanor. This means that they will often take Pisces into social situations that they wouldn’t normally gravitate towards. Although this can be daunting for Pisces, it helps them to expand their horizons.

In these situations, the two can often make a good double act, with Leo being loud and brash, while Pisces can offer a drier, more acerbic wit.

Pisces will also offer Leo a more gentle companionship. They are intuitive and deeply emotional, often understanding and catering to Leo’s need for admiration and affirmation. Pisces’ compassionate and thoughtful nature can help soothe Leo’s ego in times of vulnerability, in turn helping them to navigate their own deeper emotions.



In the context of work and business, Leo and Pisces can form a partnership that balances creativity with intuition, although achieving harmony requires them to navigate their significant differences effectively.

Leo naturally gravitates towards leadership roles and enjoys taking charge of projects. They bring an ambitious energy to the workplace, often inspiring their team with their confident and outgoing nature. Leo’s strength lies in their ability to motivate others and lead projects with a bold vision.

Pisces contributes a more nuanced and empathetic approach. They excel in roles that require creativity and emotional intelligence, often acting as the glue that holds the team together during stressful times. Pisces though can offer innovative solutions and a deeper understanding of the human elements involved in business, providing valuable insights that might be overlooked by more pragmatic signs.



A Leo man and a Pisces woman form a captivating and romantic duo. The Leo man, with his confidence and charisma, provides a strong presence that the gentle Pisces woman finds comforting. She, in turn, brings depth and empathy, softening his more domineering traits and teaching him the value of deeper emotional connections.

It’s a similar story with a Leo man and a Pisces man. Whereas the Leo man may be bold and extroverted and love being in the limelight, the Pisces man will be more reserved and emotionally deep, connecting on a more intuitive level. He values empathy and desires a partner who respects his sensitive and creative nature. For the relationship to last, effective communication and a willingness to understand each other’s differences is key.

A relationship between a Pisces man and a Leo woman blends his emotional depth with her fiery assertiveness. The Pisces man admires her strength and charisma, while she is drawn to his compassionate, artistic soul.

However, to maintain harmony, the Leo woman must appreciate the subtleties of the Pisces man’s emotional side without overwhelming him, and the Pisces man needs to embrace her need for admiration and social engagement.


We’ve taken a look at the compatibility of Leo and Pisces in many different contexts, including business, friendship, and romance. In conclusion, Leo and Pisces are very different characters, one headstrong, one sensitive, one bold, one subtle, one brash, and one quiet.

However, these differences may make life difficult at times, and may make for a relationship that can have spells of fraughtness and frostiness. However, these differences are also a strength, not only in creating an initial attraction but also because they can allow both partners to grow and develop.