Libra and Capricorn Compatability Percentage



Overall Compatibility


Let’s learn more about Libra and Capricorn's compatibility using online psychic chat. We’ll discover how well the two signs connect in many of life’s most important areas, from marriage to the workplace, and use astrology to assign compatibility percentages that show how well-matched Libra and Capricorn genuinely are.









Sex and Intimacy




Open Minded


Interests and Hobbies






Trust and loyalty














Sex and Intimacy


Open Minded


Interests and hobbies




Trust and loyalty





Libra and Capricorn struggle with compatibility in most areas of life. They score the lowest compatibility percentage for communication at just 73%, while levels of sex and intimacy are not much higher at 79%.

Things start to look up regarding interests and hobbies, as both signs appreciate activities at a faster pace, and their compatibility percentages pick up to 92%. For trust and loyalty, Libra and Capricorn show their greatest relationship strength (91%), led by Libra, who has a solid moral compass.


Uncover what happens when the well-balanced Scales meet the workaholic Horned Goat.

a breakdown of Libra and CAPRICORN compatibility



Libra and Capricorn are very likely to face compatibility challenges because they are so totally different, and this is undoubtedly the case for communication compatibility.

Libras are diplomatic and entirely conflict-averse. They will do everything they can to avoid an argument. Capricorns are the opposite. The Horned Goat can and will prolong conflicts for however long suits them, causing huge frustrations within the relationship and hurting their Libra partner.

Libra is an air sign that is endlessly free-spirited and easygoing, much like the air that symbolizes it. In Capricorn, however, it encounters an unexpected stubbornness that it will find challenging to comprehend. Capricorns are grounded deeply into their earthly nature, stand firm in their opinions, and are unlikely to find Libra’s adaptable and open-minded traits admirable.

Instead, Capricorn will be intent on standing their ground, no matter what Libra has to say. Because Libra is so anti-argument, they will find it hard to voice how they feel, and any disappointments in Capricorn’s behavior will likely stay secret. This is not a good recipe for long-lasting and satisfactory love. Unspoken problems could lead to resentment and irreparable damage over time, hurting both parties.

Overall, Libra and Capricorn will be able to share some good moments, but their relationship will require work in the long term. Both must be honest and express their concerns, which will be much harder said than done.

Sex and Intimacy


Libra and Capricorn are also likely to face challenges in sex and intimacy. Their attitudes to sex are so different; Libra, for example, is ruled by Venus, a planet that embodies love and romance. It contrasts starkly with Capricorn’s ruling planet, Saturn, which gives its associated signs a much more pragmatic and calculated nature. Capricorn’s mature outlook can diminish Libra’s dreamy attitude to love and make them both feel disconnected.

Although the two signs share an appreciation of sex and intimacy and their importance, both also require an emotional bond to feel fulfilled. But Capricorn takes time to reach this place, and Libra might find the mismatch in emotional readiness hard to bear, as they tend to invest their emotions much earlier in the relationship.

Ultimately, too, their weak compatibility in the physical aspect of sex and intimacy prolongs the weak points in their emotional connection, making it hard work for both signs to come to an understanding and learn what keeps the other content and satisfied.

Interests and Hobbies


Libra and Capricorn's contrasting natures, air and earth, respectively, can also put them at odds regarding interests and hobbies. This can complicate their ability to find common ground and strain their relationship.

Capricorn likes to engage in activities that feed the mind, like puzzles or chess. But Libra enjoys having fun and socializing without the added competition of playing a game against just one other. Finding a game they can play together will be challenging.

Libra’s interests, too, are pretty tranquil; they might be found gardening or hiking. If the relationship will work, Capricorn will need to meet Libra halfway and express a willingness to participate in something that interests them instead of just engaging in interests that keep them entertained.

Finding common ground in interests and hobbies will be a game of give and take; both signs must show a willingness to try things that perhaps they wouldn’t usually try. Libra can be an asset here as they strive to maintain balance and peace, helping the two to work together. But this isn’t a long-term solution, as even Libra can grow tired.

Trust and Loyalty


The good news is that both Libra and Capricorn value honesty and integrity in their relationships, which means they can create a foundation to build on. Capricorns, in particular, are very dependable and are as committed to their own goals—and, by extension, their relationships—as any other. Libra can feel at peace with this; knowing that Capricorn can be depended upon helps them feel safe and secure, contributing to their trust over time.

However, Capricorn also tends to prioritize practicality over how they feel or express emotions, which can create a barrier to intimacy that challenges Libra’s opinion of Capricorn and how truly they can trust them. Libra might think that if Capricorns can’t be honest about their feelings, then what is the point? Both signs, too, can be struck by independence, which sometimes leads to a lack of reliance on one another and, therefore, runs the risk of damaging trust and loyalty levels over time.

Libra and Capricorn must work together to maintain their foundation of trust and loyalty. Communication will be critical, but both signs have what it takes to excel better in this area than most others.

types of Libra and Capricorn compatibility


See more on Libra and Capricorn and how they handle life in moments of conflict and peace.



One thing that can affect Libra and Capricorn's compatibility in areas like love and marriage, even friendship, is their natural difference of being social and preferring solitude. Libra thrive in social settings; they are keen on making friends and engaging in interactions. Capricorns are far more reserved and take much more enjoyment from simply being alone. It’s a fundamental difference that can cause friction in relationships of many kinds.

Saturn undoubtedly influences Capricorn’s practical and serious nature, and there are clashes with the laidback Libra. Capricorn might even come to view Libra as just not up to meeting their expectations. The stress stemming from these opposing energies is enough to strain the relationship. It might even cause a Libra-Capricorn relationship to sink before it gets the chance to swim, meaning long-term love and certainly marriage may not be in the cards for these two signs.

Without a concerted effort from both signs to bridge their differences, the relationship will undoubtedly face challenges. If Libra and Capricorn are going to prove it wrong and go the distance, it’ll take a team effort to overcome their differences. Communication and compromise are vital.

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Libra and Capricorn’s ruling planets yet again highlight their differences in friendship compatibility. To make any union between the two last, it’ll be essential to communicate these differences head-on.

On the positive side, Libra is a charming friend who is always diplomatic and intent on keeping the peace, which helps smooth any conflicts between the two. Capricorn also appreciates this and brings stability to the friendship; as a friend, Capricorn offers a lot of wise and practical advice and is, therefore, a great source of knowledge for guidance and support.

Yet, Libra's indecisive side and desire to avoid conflict altogether when it becomes too much to bear will clash with Capricorn’s desire for direct communication. The social Libra, too, will love nothing more than meeting up with their friends, whereas Capricorn prefers to be alone more often than not. This can lead to more misunderstandings and even a feeling of neglect on Libra’s part.

Both parties need to be willing to understand where the other is coming from to make a good friendship work. They stand to gain a lot from their friendship if they can, with each sign bringing positive qualities that a good friend wants and needs.



If there’s one thing to note about the Capricorn sign, they are workaholics. If they are not careful, the Horned Goat can let their professional life lead their personal life. This can have implications in a romantic Libra-Capricorn relationship, but platonically speaking, at work and as colleagues, the two signs can share positives and negatives.

Positively, Libra’s diplomacy fits with Capricorn’s practicality. While Libra brings creativity to their work, Capricorn brings attention to detail, which matches well, too. Together, the two signs can execute meticulous and original projects.

However, misunderstandings or unresolved issues can again rear their head thanks to Libra’s aversion to conflict clashing with Capricorn’s directness. Capricorn, too, can be easily frustrated by Libra’s reluctance to make quick and firm decisions, fearing it’ll slow down team dynamics and progress.

Ultimately, Capricorn tends to prioritize work above all else, which could cause the most significant disruption to Libra’s desire for balance. If they are not careful, tensions will quickly bubble over. The success of a professional partnership between Libra and Capricorn depends on how well they leverage each other’s strengths while keeping their differing approaches and communication styles in check and agreeable to each other. It’s a balancing act.



In a relationship between a Libra woman and a Capricorn man, there is a mismatch for compatibility. In this relationship dynamic, it’s Libra who is more optimistic about their chances of love. Capricorn, in their usual practical way, is more pessimistic and realizes the work that must be put in from both sides to make it work.

A Libra man and a Capricorn woman are also opposites in the way they view their relationship chances. Yet, if they can make it work, a union between them would become more than solid. First, they must work to balance Libra’s open, carefree attitude with Capricorn’s private and guarded one.

The compatibility between a Libra man and a Capricorn man is also a tale of two halves. For their relationship to be successful, they must realize that their differences can work to balance one another out rather than cause disruption - but it’s taking the time to put the work in first to realize this and accept it. It’ll require patience and perseverance from both sides.

Similarly, a Libra woman and a Capricorn woman have different views of the world and their place within it—therefore, they can both bring a lot to a relationship. Together, the blend of air and earth can be both a blessing and a curse, and it all comes down to how the two choose to handle their differences to determine how it’ll work for them. Listening to one another and practising empathy will go a long way for Libra-Capricorn partnerships.


In conclusion, Libra and Capricorn have an overall compatibility percentage of 84%. It’s lower than some other matches in the zodiac, but it does not mean a loving relationship between these two signs is totally off the cards.

As our compatibility analysis shows, there are many ways that Libra and Capricorn’s differences can be used to balance and gift each other something they might be missing. But it’ll take work and compromise, which not everyone will be willing to do. Bettering sex, intimacy, and communication will require the most effort, and Libra-Capricorns should prioritize these areas in their relationships.