Sagittarius and Capricorn Compatability Percentage



Overall Compatibility


Learn more about Sagittarius and Capricorn Compatibility through psychic chat. Our expertise in astrology will showcase how well the two signs connect in life, be it in marriage, the workplace, or as friends, using compatibility percentage scores to measure the pairing's success.









Sex and Intimacy


Open Minded




Interests and Hobbies






Trust and loyalty














Sex and Intimacy

Open Minded



Interests and hobbies




Trust and loyalty





Sagittarius and Capricorn have mixed compatibility, with both strengths and weaknesses across different aspects of their relationship. According to the table above, these two signs are highly compatible in communication (83%) and intimacy (90%), however they are slightly lacking in mutual interests (57%), and trust (57%). Despite their different approaches to life, they can complement each other if they focus on mutual goals and respect their differences. This union has all that’s needed to have a long lasting relationship - all they need to do is put in a little bit of effort.


Discover what happens when Sagittarius meets Capricorn.

a breakdown of Sagittarius and CAPRICORN compatibility



Communication between Sagittarius and Capricorn can significantly influence their relationship.

Sagittarius are often enthusiastic about sharing their thoughts and feelings, which can create an environment of transparency and trust. This quality is essential as it can make both partners feel heard and understood.

On the other hand, Capricorn tends to be more reserved and may struggle with expressing emotions openly. Capricorns often prefer to keep their feelings to themselves, which can sometimes create a barrier in communication. However, it doesn’t mean a lack of communication skills, rather, Capricorns communicate in a more measured and deliberate manner, prioritizing clarity and precision over spontaneity.

Such contrast can be highly beneficial for both partners. Sagittarius can help Capricorn to open up and express their emotions more freely and step out of their comfort zone. Over time, Capricorn may feel more comfortable sharing their thoughts and feelings, leading to a deeper emotional connection between the two.

Similarly, Capricorn’s careful and considered approach can teach Sagittarius the value of pausing to think before speaking, ensuring that their words are impactful and considerate. This can help Sagittarius to temper their sometimes impulsive communication style, leading to more meaningful and effective interactions.

Sex and Intimacy


A score of 90% in sex and intimacy holds a significant promise in the Sagittarius-Capricorn relationship.

Sagittarius are known for being open-minded and enthusiastic in their intimate relationships. They approach intimacy with excitement and curiosity, always eager to explore new experiences and express their desires, making them passionate and spontaneous lovers.

Capricorn, while often seen as reserved and conservative, reveals a different side when they feel comfortable and secure with their partner. Capricorns are capable of deep passion and adventurousness in intimacy. They value the stability and trust that come with a strong relationship, and when they feel secure, they are willing to explore their desires at the same level as Sagittarius.

Together, Sagittarius and Capricorn can create a fulfilling and exciting love life. Their mutual desire to explore and satisfy each other fosters a strong sexual bond that can enhance their overall relationship. Sagittarius' spontaneity can bring a sense of fun and unpredictability, while Capricorn’s steadiness can make sure that their intimate moments are meaningful and grounded.

Interests and Hobbies


Sagittarius and Capricorn show quite an average compatibility in interests and hobbies, indicating some challenges along their way. However, while these differences can present challenges, they can also offer opportunities for growth.

Sagittarius thrives on adventure and spontaneity, seeking out new and fast-paced experiences, such as physical activity and travel. They like hobbies where they can feel free and challenges, such as hiking, skydiving or exploring new cultures.

Capricorn, while also appreciating fast-paced activities, prefer more structured and goal-oriented hobbies. They enjoy activities that offer a sense of accomplishment and progress. Capricorns might engage in hobbies that require discipline and strategic thinking, such as long-distance running, or mastering a musical instrument, as they allow them to set and achieve specific goals.

Finding common ground in their interests can strengthen their bond. They can explore activities that combine spontaneity and structure, such as planning an adventurous trip that allows for some unplanned exploration along the way. Alternatively, they can support each other by participating in each other’s preferred activities, which can help them appreciate and understand one another more.

Trust and Loyalty


Sagittarius and Capricorn may often lack trust and loyalty in their relationship. It is all due to their differences in values and priorities.

Sagittarius tends to trust their partners and assume the best intentions, however their trust can be inconsistent due to their free-spirited personality. This may lead to uncertainty for their Capricorn partner.

On the other hand, Capricorn values loyalty, placing great importance on trust and expecting the same level of dedication from their significant partner in return. They are cautious about trusting others and prefer to build trust gradually through consistent actions and behaviors.

While Sagittarius and Capricorn both value trust and loyalty, they have different approaches to maintaining these qualities. Sagittarius should strive to be more consistent in their actions and communication, honoring their partner’s trust and commitment. Likewise, Capricorn can support Sagittarius by providing stability and reassurance, strengthening their trust in the relationship.

It is important for Sagittarius and Capricorn to understand each other’s values in terms of loyalty to build a strong and lasting bond. Sagittarius needs to appreciate Capricorn's need for reliability, while Capricorn should understand Sagittarius's desire for independence. This way they can bridge any gaps and create a more secure and harmonious connection.

types of Sagittarius and Capricorn compatibility


Find out how compatible Sagittarius and Capricorn are in marriage, friendship, and work.



The 72% compatibility between Sagittarius and Capricorn in love and marriage indicated promising potential for a fulfilling, loving, and long lasting union.
Sagittarius are open-minded and optimistic, bringing lots of joy to their partnership. Their love for exploration and adventure can add some bright colors into their relationship, keeping things exciting and lively.

Capricorns approach love and marriage with a more serious and committed mindset. They value stability, security, and long-term planning. Capricorns are hardworking and reliable partners, dedicated to building a solid foundation from the very beginning for their relationship and future together. They prioritize traditional values and take responsibilities seriously, often striving for success and achievement in all aspects of life.

Due to their contrasting personalities and priorities, some challenges may arise. Sagittarius might feel restricted by Capricorn’s seriousness, while Capricorn might feel uneasy about Sagittarius's unpredictability. For this reason, it is highly important for both partners to communicate openly and find compromises in order to understand each other's motives and accept each other’s differences.

Sagittarius and Capricorn can create a balanced and loving marriage by embracing each other’s strengths and weaknesses. All they need to do is work together as a team and focus on patience, commitment, and mutual trust.

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The 66% compatibility in friendship indicated that while Sagittarius and Capricorn may share common interests and values, there could be some challenges in maintaining a strong and lasting relationship.

Sagittarius value honesty and authenticity in their friendship, preferring genuine connections over superficial interactions. Their enthusiasm for life can make their friendship highly exciting and engaging.

In contrast, Capricorn approaches friendship more seriously and pragmatically. They are the type of friends who are reliable, responsible and always ready to offer practical advice or support when needed. While they may not be as expressive as Sagittarius, Capricorns are deeply caring and dedicated friends who will go to great lengths to support those they care about.

Despite any potential challenges that might appear along the way, Sagittarius and Capricorn can enhance each other’s friendship. Sagittarius can inspire Capricorn to embrace new experiences, while Capricorn can provide support for Sagittarius during times of uncertainty.



The 66% compatibility in business and work means that both signs bring different strengths and characteristics to the workplace. Sagittarius and Capricorn's interaction can either complement or clash depending on how well they handle each other’s differences.

Sagittarius thrive in roles that allow them to think creatively and independently, bringing fresh ideas and unique solutions to problems. However, their tendency to prioritize excitement and spontaneity over careful planning and attention to detail can sometimes lead to challenges in a more structured work environment.

Capricorn, on the other hand, are reliable and methodical, excelling in roles that require organization, planning, and attention to detail. They are highly ambitious individuals who are willing to put in the necessary effort and dedication to achieve their goals.

The compatibility between Sagittarius and Capricorn in business and work can be influenced by their differing approaches to productivity and their preferences for work environment. It’s important to take into account that sometimes Sagittarius may find Capricorn’s disciplined approach somewhat suffocating, while Capricorn can feel frustrated by Sagittarius’s impulsiveness. In order to overcome these differences it is important to find a common ground by communication and collaboration.



The Sagittarius man's open-mindedness and adventurous personality can intrigue the more grounded and practical Capricorn woman, leading to an exciting relationship. However, conflicts may arise due to the Sagittarius man's impulsivity, which can conflict with the Capricorn woman’s careful and calculated planning. In order for this relationship to thrive, the couple needs honest and open communication as well as willingness to understand each other’s perspectives.

The Capricorn man's disciplined and reliable behavior can harmonize well with the Sagittarius woman’s optimistic and easygoing outlook on life. However, their contrasting traits can sometimes lead to disagreements, as Capricorn men’s structured lifestyle doesn’t always align with Sagittarius women’s free spirit. If the couple wants this relationship to work, both partners should find mutual appreciation and adaptation to each other's distinctive qualities, offering deeper understanding and harmony.

In the beginning, the Sagittarius woman's vibrant personality might seem at odds with the reserved and careful Capricorn woman. However, despite their contrasting outlooks on life, there is an opportunity for mutual growth and deep love as they can draw inspiration from each other’s strengths and discover common interests.

The compatibility between a Sagittarius man and a Capricorn man depends highly on how well they manage their contrasting personalities. Sagittarius man is bold and spontaneous, while Capricorn man is disciplined and methodical. In order for their relationship to succeed, the couple needs to find a balance in their differences and focus on mutual respect, open communication and understanding. Then, their relationship will truly blossom.

It's important to note that the Sagittarius and Capricorn compatibility is influenced by individual traits and values, rather than simply gender. Gender is not the primary factor in determining compatibility. Good communication, compromise, and support are key factors for a meaningful romantic relationship between the two zodiac signs.


In summary, Sagittarius and Capricorn have quite a high overall compatibility score. Their main strengths are good communication and deep intimacy, however these are not enough to create a long lasting relationship. The couple must pay more attention to each other’s interests and hobbies and work on mutual trust. When Sagittarius and Capricorn address these challenges, their relationship will bloom into a harmonious and fulfilling partnership, with a high chance of leading to marriage.