Virgo and Capricorn Compatability Percentage



Overall Compatibility


Learn more about Virgo and Capricorn Compatibility through psychic chat. Our expertise in astrology will showcase how well the two signs connect in life, be it in marriage, the workplace, or as friends, using compatibility percentage scores to measure the pairing's success.









Sex and Intimacy






Interests and Hobbies






Trust and loyalty














Sex and Intimacy




Interests and hobbies




Trust and loyalty





Virgo and Capricorn have a moderately high overall compatibility (59%). They share many core values, and both are Earth signs which means they are practical, grounded, and value stability. Their good communication (58%) and deep intimacy (84%) create a strong connection, however they need to address differences in interests and hobbies (48%), and work on building mutual trust (45%). Virgo and Capricorn practical natures and shared values can help them overcome these challenges.


Discover what happens when Virgo meets Capricorn.

a breakdown of Virgo and CAPRICORN compatibility



Virgo and Capricorn are strong communicators, but in different ways. Although their communication styles may complement each other, they need to make sure their different approaches align.

Virgos are detail-oriented and analytical, preferring precise and thorough communication. They prefer to communicate in a precise and methodical manner. Virgos often focus on the specifics and tend to be very thorough in their discussions. They are also highly observant and value clarity, which can make their communication very effective in making sure that nothing is overlooked.

Capricorns, on the other hand, are pragmatic and strategic, focusing on the big picture and results. Capricorns are known for their straightforwardness and can be quite direct, which can sometimes come across as blunt.

Virgo’s carefulness can seem nitpicky to Capricorn, while Capricorn’s directness might make Virgo feel that important details are overlooked. However, they both value honesty and reliability, making their communication rational and calm. Virgo’s thoroughness complements Capricorn’s strategic thinking, leading to balanced discussions.

In order to improve their communication, Virgo and Capricorn should practice open communication, patience and understanding. Virgo should appreciate Capricorn’s broader perspective, and Capricorn should value Virgo’s attention to detail and not get annoyed about it. Open discussions about their thoughts and feelings and communication styles can help bridge gaps.

Overall, Virgo and Capricorn can achieve effective communication by leveraging their strengths and working on understanding, active listening, and respect for each other.

Sex and Intimacy


A score of 84% in sex and intimacy showcases a deep sense of trust and connection.

Both Virgo and Capricorn tend to approach sex and intimacy with a conservative mindset. This means they value privacy, discretion, and establishing a strong emotional connection before fully engaging in physical intimacy. They are not ones to rush into relationships or casual encounters, preferring to take their time to build trust and understanding their partner’s needs and desires first. Virgo and Capricorn can rely on each other’s support and comfort inside and outside the bedroom.

However, both zodiac signs need to make conscious efforts to keep the spark alive and maintain a sense of novelty and excitement in their intimate life. Communication about desires, fantasies and boundaries is key to avoiding these issues. It is important to make sure both partners feel satisfied in their sexual relationship.

Overall, Virgo and Capricorn’s conservative approaches create a stable relationship. Their shared values and commitment to each other’s happiness contribute to a fulfilling sexual relationship and strengthen their bond and relationship even more.

Interests and Hobbies


Virgo and Capricorn show quite a low compatibility in interests and hobbies, indicating some challenges along their way. However, while these differences can present challenges, they can also offer opportunities for growth.

Virgos like to engage in hobbies and interests that are moderate-paced and detail-focused. They enjoy activities that allow them to analyze and organize information, such as reading, writing, or engaging in creative side of things like crafts or gardening. Virgos appreciate structure and tend to prefer hobbies that have a practical purpose or offer opportunities for self-improvement.

Capricorns are the opposite. They enjoy interests and hobbies with more ambition. They are goal-oriented individuals who thrive on challenges and new achievements. Capricorns are likely to engage in hobbies related to their career growth, leadership development, or activities that allow them to showcase their skills and talents, such as hiking or participating in competitive sports.

Unfortunately, Virgo and Capricorn’s difference in their approaches to interests and hobbies can sometimes lead to serious conflicts and misunderstandings. To navigate these differences effectively, Virgo and Capricorn must practice to compromise. They can explore hobbies and activities that appeal to both of them. This allows them to enjoy each other’s company while also finding personal satisfaction in it.

Trust and Loyalty


Virgo and Capricorn may often lack trust and loyalty in their relationship. It is all due to their differences in values and priorities.

For instance, Virgo highly values trust and loyalty in their relationship, prioritizing honesty, and reliability in their partner to feel secure. Virgos are known for being careful and observant. They can notice even the slightest change in behavior that could lead to overthinking and affect trust in someone. Virgos want their partners to be consistent and reliable. If the trust is broken, it can change how they see the relationship for good.

Capricorns, while also valuing loyalty, may approach it differently. Their loyalty can vary depending on their ambitions and external factors. Capricorns may prioritize their career or personal aspirations at times, potentially leading to situations where their loyalty is tested. However, once committed, Capricorns can be very loyal and loving partners. If something goes wrong, they will put a lot of effort into working through challenges to maintain the integrity of the relationship.

It is important to build a strong foundation of trust from the start. Virgo and Capricorn need to communicate openly about their expectations and boundaries. Virgo may require Capricorn’s reassurance of their commitment, while Capricorn can demonstrate loyalty through consistent actions and reliability.

types of Virgo and Capricorn compatibility


Find out how compatible Virgos and Capricorn are in marriage, friendship, and work.



Virgo and Capricorn have a moderately high compatibility in love and marriage. It is influenced by various traits that both signs bring to a romantic relationship.

Both signs are known for their reliability and dedication, making them well-suited for a committed relationship such as marriage. Virgo and Capricorn appreciate each other’s hard-working nature and are likely to support each other’s goals and aspirations.

No matter what Virgos do, they strive for perfection, including relationships. It means that a Virgo partner will be attentive and considerate. They will always look for ways to improve the relationship and make sure their partner is happy. Virgos are also nurturing and enjoy taking care of their loved ones, bringing security and comfort.

Capricorns are also focused on building a secure and prosperous future, which aligns perfectly with Virgos. Capricorns are dependable and take their commitments seriously, making them good partners in both love and marriage. They value tradition and structure, often bringing stability and a clear sense of direction to the relationship.

In fact, Virgo’s attention to details pairs nicely with Capricorn’s broad views, allowing them to work together effectively towards common goals. It can mostly be beneficial in a marriage, especially when it comes to managing household responsibilities, finances, and long-term planning. Their combined practicality and dedication make them an incredible team.

Despite that, Virgo and Capricorn tend to be reserved and may struggle with expressing their emotions openly. If not addressed, this can lead to misunderstanding or a lack of emotional intimacy. They need to make sure that they balance their practical concerns with emotional intimacy and support. Regularly discussing their goals, expectations and any concerns can help to maintain a healthy relationship, leading to a strong and stable marriage

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Virgo and Capricorn have quite a low score of compatibility in friendship, influenced by their opposite personalities.

Virgos are known for their loyalty, practical nature, and analytical thinking. They are attentive friends who value meaningful connections as well as conversations and are often willing to offer help and support when it comes to it. Although Virgos can be somewhat reserved their friendship is long lasting and loyal as it’s based on mutual respect and understanding.

Capricorns are ambitious, disciplined, and dependable. They seek friendships that align with their goals and values, often valuing quality over quality. Capricorns are reliable friends who take their commitments seriously and prefer to build long lasting, stable friendships.

Together, Virgos and Capricorn share a strong sense of loyalty and reliability, which can be formed as an amazing friendship. However, despite that, Virgos can sometimes be overly critical and perfectionistic, which can cause issues in a Virgo-Capricorn friendship. Capricorns, while dependable, can also become absorbed in their ambitions and may unintentionally affect the emotional aspects of the friendship. These differences can lead to misunderstandings and potentially end the friendship if not addressed in time.

To overcome it, Virgos should learn to express their concerns constructively without being overly critical, while Capricorns need to make an effort to be attentive and responsive to Virgo’s thoughts and feelings.



Virgo and Capricorn business and work compatibility can be considered quite low, making it difficult to work together.

The reason is that Virgos can sometimes become overly focused on minor details, which might slow down the working progress or lead to analysis paralysis. On the other hand, Capricorns can also be driven by their ambitions. It can make them overlook important details or push too hard for results without considering the practicalities. If not managed properly, this difference in focus can lead to friction.

Virgos need to be mindful of not overwhelming Capricorn with too many details. At the same time, Capricorn should make sure they listen to Virgo’s insights and not dismiss them in favor of efficiency. In order to enhance their collaboration, it is important for both of them to find a middle ground where detailed analysis and strategic vision align. That way they can be more productive and achieve set goals.

When it comes to leadership, Capricorns are natural leaders who prefer to be in control. Virgos, while capable leaders, often excel in supportive roles where their attention to detail and organization skills shine even more brightly. In a collaborative setting, Capricorn can take the lead on strategic initiatives, while Virgo manages the implementation and operational aspects, ensuring that the team stays on track and functions smoothly.



Virgo women and Capricorn men often show a promising future together. Both partners value stability and are practical, making it a good match. However, the relationship may have some problems. The Virgo’s woman’s tendency to worry and be overly critical can frustrate the Capricorn man, who may want to prioritize career over relationship needs. They need to learn how to communicate openly to maintain a balance between personal and professional life. On the other hand,

Virgo men and Capricorn women have potential but require effort to navigate personal differences. The Virgo man’s critical personality might not always sit well with the Capricorn woman’s determination and strong will. However, they are both hardworking and goal-oriented which can make them a powerful couple.

Virgo women and Capricorn women are less likely to thrive in a relationship as it may lack emotional depth if not managed carefully. Both women are highly practical, which can lead to a mundane relationship. The relationship might focus too much on practical matters and not enough on emotional closeness.

Virgo men and Capricorn men have strong potential for a loving and successful relationship. They are both dependable and share a commitment to their goals. This combination can be a productive partnership. However, they need to be careful as sometimes the Virgo man’s critical opinion can irritate the Capricorn man, who might respond by becoming stubborn and stiff.

It's important to note that the Virgo and Capricorn compatibility is influenced by individual traits and values, rather than simply gender. Gender is not the primary factor in determining compatibility. Good communication, compromise, and support are key factors for a meaningful romantic relationship between the two zodiac signs.


Virgo and Capricorn have moderate overall compatibility. Their main strengths are good communication and deep intimacy, however it is not enough to create a long lasting relationship. The couple must pay more attention to each other’s interests and hobbies as well as work on mutual trust. When Virgo and Capricorn address these challenges, their relationship will bloom into a harmonious and fulfilling partnership.