Aquarius Compatibility - Best Other Zodiac Signs For Aquarius To Find Love & Friendship

Aquarius are best matched with Sagittarius and Libra, as well as earth sign Capricorn. They are independent, and ahead of their time, with a strong desire for intellectual freedom and humanitarian ideals. To learn more about Aquarius compatibility with other zodiac signs, continue reading.

a breakdown of Aquarius and compatibility

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What Aquarius Needs in a Successful Relationship

Aquarius is most fulfilled when they find a partner who values deep intellectual connections and respects their independence. They seek relationships where open communication and honesty are important.

A successful partnership involves respecting each other’s individuality, sharing a passion for social causes or innovative ideas as well as enjoying unique experiences together. Aquarius looks for emotional support and understanding, along with a strong sense of friendship and trust. These traits are crucial for Aquarius to be truly happy and satisfied.

What Should Aquarius Look For in a Partner To Maximize Romantic Compatibility?

To maximize their romantic compatibility, Aquarius should look for a partner who thrives on discussing innovative ideas and exploring different topics. For instance, someone who enjoys deep conversations about future technologies or social change would be a great match. They should also seek a partner who respects their need for self-discovery, such as supporting their solo travel adventures or personal hobbies like starting a new project or learning a new skill.

Aquarius also values emotional support, so finding someone who listens empathetically and offers encouragement during challenging times would be a dream come true. Additionally, a partner who embraces spontaneity and is open to unique experiences will help keep the relationship always fresh.

Aquarius & Sagittarius - Best for Overall Compatibility

Aquarius and Sagittarius are highly compatible due to their shared values and similar traits, making them the best match for a successful relationship that could lead to a potential marriage.


  • Aquarius and Sagittarius both highly value their freedom and personal space, allowing their relationship to grow without unnecessary tension.
  • Both signs can easily adapt to change, with Aquarius being forward-thinking and Sagittarius open to new experiences.
  • Sagittarius brings an optimistic outlook, while Aquarius contributes with a progressive mindset, encouraging each other to pursue goals and dreams.


  • Aquarius may handle conflicts with a detached, rational approach, while Sagittarius tackles issues head-on, leading to potential misunderstandings.
  • Aquarius might seem distant when giving or receiving feedback, while Sagittarius’s directness may feel harsh; both can improve by better understanding and communication.
  • Aquarius values friendships that align with their ideals, while Sagittarius struggles to maintain consistent close friendships due to shifting focuses.

Aquarius & Libra - Best for Sexual Compatibility

Aquarius and Libra are known for their passionate and emotional connection, making them highly compatible in terms of sexual chemistry and intimacy.


  • Both signs enjoy social interactions and bring a playful, lively energy to their sexual relationship.
  • Libra appreciates beauty and harmony, while Aquarius has a unique, imaginative style that enhances their sexual experiences.
  • They approach their sexual relationship with a desire to learn from one another, leading to a deeper, more fulfilling connection.


  • Aquarius’s focus on originality and emotional detachment may clash with Libra’s need for romance and emotional connection.
  • Aquarius’s spontaneous energy may contrast with Libra’s preference for consistency, requiring open communication to balance their needs.
  • Aquarius enjoys exploring creative fantasies, while Libra prefers traditional, romantic scenarios; balancing these desires can create a satisfying experience for both.

Compatibility Comparison Table

Discover which Zodiac signs are most compatible with Aquarius and find potential relationships that align harmoniously with this unique sign.

Zodiac Sign Communication Sex & Intimacy Interests & Hobbies Trust & Loyalty
Aries Weak Conservative Slow-Paced Low
Taurus Moderate Open Minded Moderate-Paced Moderate
Gemini Strong Adventurous Fast-Paced High
Cancer Weak Conservative Slow-Paced Low
Leo Moderate Open Minded Moderate-Paced Moderate
Virgo Strong Adventurous Fast-Paced High
Libra Weak Conservative Slow-Paced Low
Scorpio Moderate Open Minded Moderate-Paced Moderate
Sagittarius Strong Adventurous Fast-Paced High
Capricorn Weak Conservative Slow-Paced Low
Aquarius Moderate Open Minded Moderate-Paced Moderate
Pisces Strong Adventurous Fast-Paced High
Open Minded
Open Minded
Open Minded
Open Minded

Aquarius Compatibility Breakdowns With All Zodiac Signs

Aries & Aquarius

Aries and Aquarius have a lively and intellectually stimulating relationship. They talk openly and have interesting discussions that match their curious and forward-thinking personalities. Aries is very passionate, while Aquarius brings smart ideas to their conversations. When they're intimate, they try out new things with a sense of adventure.

They balance Aries' need for emotional connection with Aquarius' more distant approach. They both love trying new things and being creative in their hobbies, which makes their bond stronger. Trust and loyalty are built on respecting each other's independence and keeping open communication.

Read more about Aries and Aquarius compatibility.

Taurus & Aquarius

Taurus and Aquarius have some similarities but also significant differences that can affect their romantic relationship. Taurus prefers straightforward talks and values stable relationships, while Aquarius likes discussing new ideas and constantly seeks freedom.

Their interests diverge as well as Taurus likes familiar, comfortable activities, while Aquarius is drawn to exploring new concepts and engaging in intellectual pursuits. For their relationship to thrive, they'll need to communicate openly, understand each other's perspectives, and find ways to compromise despite these contrasting traits.

Read more about Taurus and Aquarius compatibility.

Gemini & Aquarius

Gemini and Aquarius are highly compatible. They enjoy discussing everything from light topics to global problems like global warming, and they handle conflicts through open talks and creative solutions. In terms of intimacy, the couple is playful and adventurous, balancing emotional closeness with personal freedom.

They share interests in new ideas and social causes, which keeps their connection exciting. Additionally, trust and loyalty grow from their respect for each other’s independence, allowing them to spend time apart without worry. It makes their bond even stronger.

Read more about Gemini and Aquarius compatibility.

Cancer & Aquarius

Cancer and Aquarius have different communication styles, with Cancer being emotional and Aquarius playful. In the bedroom, Cancer wants a deep connection, while Aquarius is more focused on physical pleasures. However, it’s not a bad thing as they can both learn from one another as long as they are open to it.

Additionally, even though their interests differ, they can still bond over activities like hiking. With patience and clear communication, they can easily manage any differences and challenges that may arise in the future. All they need to do is put in a little bit of effort. This way, they will be able to create a relationship that blends emotional depth with adventure and boosts their connection over time.

Read more about Cancer and Aquarius compatibility.

Leo & Aquarius

The Leo and Aquarius relationship can be highly fulfilling. They share adventurous activities, and their intimacy is unbelievable due to Leo's fiery nature and Aquarius's unique personality. The only challenge they may face is communication, as Leo seeks attention while Aquarius values independence.

However, it’s not a problem, as the couple can easily overcome this difficulty by prioritizing quality time together and understanding that they are two completely different people from different backgrounds, which they need to accept. Focusing on open dialogue will help them strengthen their connection, allowing them to build a fulfilling partnership that brings out the best in both.

Read more about Leo and Aquarius compatibility.

Virgo & Aquarius

Virgo and Aquarius can create a strong and fulfilling relationship despite facing some communication challenges due to their differing styles. Virgo communicates in a practical and detail-oriented manner, valuing clarity and logic, while Aquarius prefers abstract and innovative discussions that focus on ideas and independence.

In order to improve their connection, Virgo should embrace Aquarius' creativity, and Aquarius can work on being more attentive to Virgo’s need for practicality. If talking about intimacy, the couple can find excitement in their differences, with Virgo appreciating Aquarius’s adventurousness and Aquarius valuing Virgo’s attention to detail.

Their shared intellectual curiosity creates engaging conversations about various topics, further straightening their bond. In order to make their relationship even greater, both partners should focus on open communication and respect. This way, the couple can achieve a deep trust and loyalty, satisfying their partnership.

Read more about Virgo and Aquarius compatibility.

Libra & Aquarius

Aquarius and Libra share a natural connection filled with easy communication and love for engaging discussions. Their intimacy is also passionate and adventurous, although Libra’s initial shyness can be balanced by Aquarius’s confidence.

However, it’s important to note that while they enjoy many shared interests, potential challenges may still arise due to Libra’s preference for structure and Aquarius’s spontaneity. Despite that, trust and loyalty is strong between them, as both partners value independence and fairness.

Read more about Libra and Aquarius compatibility.

Scorpio & Aquarius

The relationship between Scorpio and Aquarius is full of both strengths and challenges. Scorpio’s deep emotions and passion blend well with Aquarius’s logical and adventurous side, leading to engaging discussions about new ideas or deep philosophical topics, which they both find fascinating.

Their intimate life might also benefit from Scorpio’s desire for emotional connection and Aquarius’s openness to exploring new experiences, such as experimenting with different activities. However, they may struggle with their different interests. Scorpio, for example, loves active-paced activities, while Aquarius most likely enjoys relaxed hobbies.

Trust may also be a problem as Scorpio needs clear commitment, whereas Aquarius values their independence. In order to maintain harmony, the couple should focus on open communication more.

Read more about Scorpio and Aquarius compatibility.

Sagittarius & Aquarius

Sagittarius and Aquarius form a harmonious and loving relationship filled with excellent communication, shared intellectual curiosity, and mutual respect. Sagittarius' directions align well with Aquarius' intellectual approach, encouraging deep conversations and understanding between the two.

They also enjoy lively and creative love life, which gets only better over time. Additionally, the couple loves exploring new hobbies and ideas, balancing spontaneity with thoughtful engagement. The Aquarius and Sagittarius relationship is built on trust and loyalty with both partners valuing each other's independence and supporting each other's growth and happiness.

Read more about Sagittarius and Aquarius compatibility.

Capricorn & Aquarius

The Capricorn and Aquarius relationship can be characterized by strong communication and trust, blending Capricorn’s pragmatic, reserved style with Aquarius' open-minded personality. Despite differing views on intimacy, with Capricorn favoring physical connection and Aquarius leaning towards emotional depth, they can bridge this gap through understanding and compromise.

Their shared interests and hobbies further improve their deep bond and strengthen mutual trust. Additionally, their ability to balance Capricorn's desire for stability with Aquarius’s need for novelty and intellectual stimulation helps them grow together. The couple can easily work through any challenges that might arise by embracing each other’s unique qualities and maintaining open dialogue.

Read more about Capricorn and Aquarius compatibility.

Aquarius & Aquarius

Aquarius-Aquarius couples benefit from a deep intellectual connection and shared passions, such as social causes and creative activities. They may face challenges in communication due to their tendency to prioritize logic over emotions. However, the couple's strong bond and mutual understanding can help them overcome these difficulties with ease.

Additionally, the Aquarius-Aquarius adventurous approach to intimacy keeps the relationship exciting, and their respect for each other's independence builds a solid foundation of trust and loyalty. Despite all the ups and downs, their strong friendship and enthusiasm for life create a fulfilling and loving partnership.

Read more about Aquarius and Aquarius compatibility.

Pisces & Aquarius

The relationship between Pisces and Aquarius is full of shared interests and trust, with both partners enjoying deep, engaging activities together. While they face challenges in communication due to their differing styles, such as Aquarius being more logical and detached, and Pisces more emotional and intuitive, they can easily overcome these difficulties with patience and understanding.

It means, Aquarius should focus on appreciating Pisces' emotional depth, while Pisces should work on expressing their feelings more clearly. By doing so, the couple will be able to achieve a highly satisfying and loving relationship.

Read more about Pisces and Aquarius compatibility.

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