You carefully evaluate situations you’re confronted with and connected to your ambitions. Circumstances allow you to improve your position in ways that are constructive for everyone involved. It’s easy for you to make yourself understood, so be sure to take account of your wishes in any agreement you decide to make.
You're able to express yourself in a heartfelt way and accurately explain your ideas and wishes to your lover. However, you may misinterpret the cues they give about how they want to be treated, so you can benefit from asking them to clarify what they mean, and from understanding things from their perspective.
You find learning is easy; it's enjoyable to undertake new tasks and feel like challenging your intellect with more projects. Using this motivation, you make progress in your job, benefit from a new training course and become proficient in a skill that stimulates your interest, that's also beneficial for your career.
Your sex appeal is irresistible, and people clamor for your company. There'll be some opportunities for intimacy too. Dress up in your finest outfit and make a move on somebody special. It's up to you to decide who or how many people you take home. Whatever happens, sexual satisfaction is guaranteed.
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All free horoscopes Today's horoscopes Tomorrow's horoscopesIn addition to the daily horoscope which clarifies what is in store for you as a Pisces, you can read here about the specific characteristics of Pisces. Being a Pisces, you easily adapt to others and are able to put yourself in someone else's place, because you have an empathic capacity.
You are very creative, in fact Pisces is the most creative constellation there is. You regularly adopt a wait-and-see attitude and hope that things will resolve themselves on their own, without you having to interfere. Furthermore, you are easily distracted and have to push yourself to get somewhere on time. You like to receive a compliment, but can hardly stand criticism.
Sometimes you have a tendency to withdraw for a while. Some people are not sure what to make of you, because you can come across as woolly. You do want to be helpful to others.
Pisces tends to fall in love with a partner who is not good for him or her. As a result, you can get hurt, a feeling that can quickly be around the corner with you. You can get along with just about anyone. This is also your pitfall, because it can sometimes cause you to be overshadowed by the rest.
The female Pisces is representative and has a soft character. The male Pisces is sensitive and knows how to please his partner. If you are not in a relationship, you sometimes risk drowning in loneliness, and then you seek the company of good friends or relatives.
Because you adapt easily, there are several constellations with which you can start a relationship: Libra, Leo, Taurus and Capricorn are fine as partners. But in terms of emotional level, it is actually better to choose a Scorpio or Cancer. Sagittarius can be a positive partner because of his or her cheerfulness.
There is a lot to tell per constellation in terms of specific characteristics and also about the day you were born. Here we explain some core characteristics per day of birth:
February 20: Enjoy life, caring and warm.