Rash words have complicated an existing situation and created a negative atmosphere. However, you can offer a sensible solution to ease the tension and present your point of view in an uncomplicated and diplomatic way, so that others feel you want to resolve the conflict and listen to their opinions. In this way, a long-lasting solution can be found.
Your romantic relationship is uncomplicated, both agreeable and satisfying. You’re appreciated for your skill as a conversationalist and ability to offer good advice. You make plans to spend time with your lover, and if single to meet up with friends and share unforgettable moments with them, you’ll cherish forever.
You’re able to effectively use your knowledge and experience and impress your colleagues with the way you handle your responsibilities. You remain enthusiastic about improving your skill set and can let others know the value of the work you do to negotiate a new level of remuneration.
Speaking plainly you avoid arguments at all costs. In your sex life you're talked into doing things you don't want, but the thought of kinky clothes and sex toys leaves you cold, that's fine. At least you're courageous enough to admit to it.
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All free horoscopes Today's horoscopes Tomorrow's horoscopesIn addition to the daily horoscope which clarifies what is in store for you as a Scorpio, you can read here what specific characteristics Scorpio has in store for you. As a Scorpio you have a strong power of persuasion, and you go all out for something.
You like to investigate things, but because of your somewhat distrustful approach you sometimes look for something behind something that is not important at all. And although you can forgive someone, you will never forget what has been done to you. You may even be tempted to take revenge on someone if you feel you have not been treated properly.
Be a little careful with that, though. You feel hurt easily, even if the other person didn't mean it. You like to follow your feelings when you meet someone, and you practically sail blindly on them. Therefore, you can sometimes be mistaken in another. Once you see someone as your friend, you are there for them day and night.
You have a great willpower and like to have a grip on a situation.
Your distrustful nature can also be a game changer in your relationship. You like to take the lead in your relationship and want to be aware of your partner's comings and goings. This can sometimes be oppressive to him or her.
When you think you have met your partner for life, you go for it full force. It takes a while to declare your love to someone, so once you do with someone, it's a good sign. Taurus and Aquarius have a great attraction for you, but Capricorn and Virgo are also great to have alongside you.
On a soul level, you seem to click the most with Pisces and Cancer. Keep in mind not to claim the other too much, because your partner should not feel like he or she is suffocating in the relationship. That could lead to a breakup, and it would be a shame if you lost your true love as a result.
There is much to tell about each constellation in terms of specific characteristics and also about the day on which you were born. Here we explain some key characteristics per day of birth:
October 23: Charismatic, likes to be in the spotlight and career-oriented.