Everybody has their own guardian angels. If you want to discover more about your personal guardian angels and learn how the power of spiritual healing can bring happiness and contentment to your daily life contact psychicworld.com now for a personal Angel Card Reading.
Working with your Angel Card reader helps you overcome doubts, leading to the development of greater strength, empowerment and wisdom. You will be learning all about your guardian angels and guardian archangels and finding out your life becomes more harmonious, calmer and peaceful when your spiritual path is free and uncluttered. Want to read more free cards? Go to the free card reading overview
Every week our angel card drawer draws three cards with personal message. Choose your own spiritual card. Please follow the weekly card draw on Facebook .
Below this week's card draw
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Cooperation and expansion are the themes related to the Three of Earth. You are being called upon to be a team player now, or being integrated into a new team either at work or at home. Don't worry about losing your own identity in this new situation, as you won't. As a matter of fact, working with others in this respect will only serve to highlight your own best characteristics and learn new systems and methods that will take your own work to the next level.
Make sure that you allow yourself to shine and be creative with the tasks you are assigned. Your skills and abilities will be recognized, especially when you apply yourself in a very grounded and focused way. Learn and teach others.
This card also relates to bringing your dreams to life and working toward completing your goals. It's important to keep going and not give up, as your work is starting to pay off in tangible ways. You need to keep a good attitude toward what you are doing and make sure to keep things organized so that you can move ahead without any hiccups.
Court cards can either relate to a situation or person in your life. Generally speaking, they point to a list of characteristics that can be applied to either.
When this card relates to the situation you are in, it shows that you have the knowledge and wisdom to be able to assert your opinions about a particular topic - or that you need consult with a professional (lawyer, doctor) about an issue you are facing. You can't allow yourself to act from an emotional standpoint, but must be fair and rational when making your decisions.
The King of Air as a person in you life is very intellect driven and sensible, likely older and mature - he's able to control his emotions in order to be diplomatic. He might be a little dry and aloof, but he can also be witty and inspiring as well.
The Emperor card in tarot embodies all that is masculine: aggression, order, discipline, war-like energy, and also solidity, status, and a fatherly energy. He has experience in life that he can pass on to those around him, and he also provides stability for his family (or in the reading he shows up in).
Plans, organization,and follow-through are some of the themes that are brought up by this card. He follows the rules of the game and knows how to get things done. He's a good, strong leader who will make tough decisions when necessary.
He also encourages us to step up to the plate in our own lives, to ask for what we want and need, to do battle, if and when we need to, to find enough discipline within ourselves to make things happen. He'll encourage those around him, but don't expect wishy-washy sentiment to come from him - he'll show you how it's done and expect you to follow his lead.
He's more likely to rely on analytical information, data, and experience over emotion to make decisions. You'll need to look at the facts when this card comes up and make choices according to what you know, not what you feel. He encourages you to focus on the outcome you are looking for, and to be confident in asserting yourself.
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Choose your favorite angel tarot card and read your message
Taking time to connect with your personal angels will enhance your lifestyle considerably, giving you self confidence and awareness and helping you deal with any problems that occur. Your readings assist you in getting in touch with your subconscious self and the energies that drive your life, bringing you to self awareness and greater happiness in life.
Angel card readings from psychicworld.com lead you on the path of spiritual awareness and healing, alongside your guardian angels. Your angels help you receive Divine Guidance and rebuild any areas of your life that are causing distress, anxiety or challenges in your day-to-day experiences. When you have experienced an Angel Card Reading you will learn to appreciate your life, look at people in different ways and understand the healing powers the angels bring on a daily basis.
Angel Therapy is a non-threatening and non-judgmental reading that can provide guidance and answers to questions for anybody seeking knowledge and insight, allowing psychic awareness and subconscious energies to become tuned. When you register for an Angel Card reading you will tap into the angelic presence for guidance. You can focus on a specific question in your life that needs answering and the Angel tarot cards will be used to help guide you in achieving the best outcome and answer to the question or problem in your life that is causing anxiety. On the other hand, your online Angel card reading can be more diverse, with a number of open-ended queries addressed to your angels for advice and assistance.
Your angels are with you and protecting you at all times, tapping into the power of your angels by taking advantage of Angel Card Readings helps you develop your spiritual awareness and maintain a center of peace and calm so you can approach your life with tranquility, no matter what problems you have to face. When you are in regular contact with the angels in your life, you will find your life becomes easier and your self confidence grows accordingly. Angels are messengers from God, the messages you receive from your guardian angels and the angels in your life helps you connect with divinity and understand the true meaning of life.
You will find comfort from your reading and be amazed by the accuracy of the messages given by your angels. All the readers, psychics and mediums working with psychicworld.com are experts in their chosen fields. Your Angel Card Reading will be given by one of our most experienced readers, who has worked in the realms of Angel Card Readings for a long while and understands all the nuances of chosen cards. Signing up for an online Angel Card Reading is much the same as visiting a professional at the office or home for Angel Card Readings. Your reader adopts the same techniques and helps you achieve the understanding and balance required to follow the path in life that is right for you.
The warmth and spiritual affinity transmitted from your online Angel Card Reading advisor will be one immediate result you'll notice when you sign on for your online Angel Card Reading. As the reading progresses you will begin to find out more about the angels in your life and develop greater awareness of how to access the power of your angels to keep yourself safe and well throughout your daily life. Your advisor will help you learn techniques for achieving peace and calm throughout your online reading, so when you sign on for future readings you will already be in the right frame of mind to acquire learning and guidance from the angels in your life.
Everybody has their own guardian angels. If you want to discover more about your personal guardian angels and learn how the power of spiritual healing can bring happiness and contentment to your daily life contact psychicworld.com now for a personal Angel Card Reading.
Working with your Angel Card reader helps you overcome doubts, leading to the development of greater strength, empowerment and wisdom. You will be learning all about your guardian angels and guardian archangels and finding out your life becomes more harmonious, calmer and peaceful when your spiritual path is free and uncluttered. Want to read more free cards? Go to the free card reading overview