Five of Air

Nine of Air

You’re feeling the need to move on. What once interested you has lost its charm, and you’re seeking more meaning and rewards.

When the 9 of Air shows up in a reading, it shows that you are worried and stressed out - often to the point of losing sleep or obsessing over what you think might happen.

Your fears and anxieties are running out of control, and it's time to examine how your thinking might be affecting your world and how you interact with others. Your negative attitudes and expectations are helping to bring about the very circumstances and outcomes you fear the most.

It's important to take a look at your fears and figure out if they are grounded in reality or not. If they are, ask yourself what you can do to change how things are going. If they are outside of your control, figure out if they are really important to you (Are they your monkeys? Is it your circus?) and if it IS important to you, what you can do to positively affect the outcome. If you are depressed, it might be time to reach out and find a therapist.

Generally speaking, the 9 of Air is limited to thoughts, dreams, and intellect. Oftentimes, changing the way you look at your problems or seeking out creative solutions - or even taking responsibility in your own life and directing it where you WANT it to go - will help you to overcome fear, anxiety, and "negative daydreaming.'' Examine your thoughts to see what needs to change.

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