Queen of Fire

Queen of Fire

feeling the need to move on. What once interested you has lost its charm, and you’re seeking more meaning and rewards.

The Queen of Fire represents confidence and creativity! She is ready to go and knows that she has the power and skill to achieve her goals. She's not shy or passive, but one who takes life into her own hands in order to get what she desires.

This card can relate to a person in your life - a woman, usually, who is a bit older/more mature and set in her life. She's warm and graceful, intelligent and confident. She is creative, fiery, magnetic, and passionate.

When this card shows up as a situation in your life, it is reminding you to bring all of those characteristics out of yourself. You might be well into a project that you are truly passionate about, and it's time to really have the confidence to let your ideas and creativity flow to achieve an end that you will really be proud of. This is also an invitation to stop waiting - now is the time to pursue your passions in life.

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