Ten of Water

Ten of Water

You’re feeling the need to move on. What once interested you has lost its charm, and you’re seeking more meaning and rewards.

When the 10 of Water comes up in a tarot reading, it shows that your family and love relationships are running smoothly and that you are experiencing a time of peace and happiness. Lucky you!

You feel like you are tuned into those around you and you can give and receive love freely, as everyone involved trusts and cares for one another. This can also mean that you are longing for this in your own life - and that it will come to you!

When things are good like the 10 of Cups shows, don't forget to take a moment to express your gratitude to the Universe. This is definitely a divinely inspired time, and you should be thankful for the opportunity to experience it. Even if the feeling is brief, it is a time of deep and resounding contentment and satisfaction.

As the suit of Cups also represents intuition, the 10 of Cups indicates that you are likely feeling very in touch with your intuition and able to perceive messages around you in a more profound way than normal. Your senses are heightened and you are able to let your heart and your guts lead the way. 

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