A long-cherished dream is awakening and is waiting for you to make your plans a concrete reality. It’s important you take the chances you need to make this dream come true and change your life in a long-lasting and positive way. Those relatives and friends you care about most react positively to these changes and support you in your actions all the way.
Even if they don't always tell you what you want to hear, let your lover know your plans and listen to what they have to say, when you're able to deal with criticism, you can truly understand your relationship. If single you're curious and interested in what others have to say, use the feedback you receive to assert yourself.
Career changes you’ve long had in mind are finally within your grasp. You feel energetic and able to take the difficult initial steps towards your advancement. Meaningful support is available from different sources. Even if at first you feel reluctant, don't waste this opportunity to push yourself forward and progress.
You're the perfect lover. You do everything right, the way your partner wants it; passionate, intense or dream-like fantasy. When they're drooling and undone with pleasure, that's only the beginning. Be generous with your talents and maybe experiment with more than one partner. Fast adventures give the biggest kick.
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