Tomorrow's free Sagittarius horoscope

What will January 22 bring you?

Your normal go-getting ways aren’t realistic. On other occasions, they may be appropriate, but currently, you’re inclined to put off activities and let your time idly pass. With such an indifferent attitude, you’re unlikely to feel very satisfied and unsurprisingly your attempts to find gratification lead to some less than pleasant consequences.


You find it difficult to turn down requests and demands from anyone. You seem more than willing to make compromises, which you normally don't tolerate or consider. It’s important that you're more selective about who you spend your time with. Avoid individuals who are only seeking to take advantage of your good nature.


If there are disagreements to contend with and it's hard to make decisions and even harder to defend your point of view, it appears you're incapable of speaking up for yourself. Best to avoid any form of negotiations or challenging meetings with colleagues, postpone them if you can and any related appointments.


You feel sexy and alluring, and others see you exactly that way! When you turn on the charm, physical encounters with new partners will come your way. A night of intimacy could quickly develop into an erotic affair. Take care: jealous scenes might ensue.

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