Your exuberance tends to wear you down, instead of as you might expect to propel you forward. If you don’t repress this urge, you don’t get very far. Your irritable nature causes you to make inappropriate decisions and leads to arguments with almost everyone you meet. Try to withstand these pressures until this restless phase has passed.
Don't allow how you feel to influence your relationship with your lover. Try to remain fair and realistic. If, instead of being thoughtful you seem to respond badly and upset others, be more tolerant, show a willingness to compromise with friends and lovers especially when dealing with matters of the heart.
It's beneficial to practice patience and reconsider the decisions you make. Any opposition becomes increasingly difficult for you to deal with, and places undue pressure on your plans. Don't give up if you're faced with seemingly impossible problems, think how you overcame similar situations that occurred in the past.
The way things are there's nothing to complain about - at least not concerning your love life. In the past you may have had some lonely moments, but currently you're getting enough. Make sure to clarify how you stand with your partners to avoid unpleasant scenes and accusations later on.
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