Others regard you as demanding and rather cheeky. Keep the right balance and think about your demands. Don’t take criticism of your conduct personally. Compared to your friends you’re finicky and pay far too much attention to rather irrelevant, trivial matters. This can make you unpopular, be more laid-back and don't take petty issues so seriously.
If for any reason, you feel unhappy with your love,r or circle of friends, don't be unkind or use insulting conduct, just because you don't feel so good yourself. Pay careful attention to the people you love and treat them with the respect they deserve rather than talking to them as if they're one of your closest adversaries.
Practice some humility when you're at work, in your quest for success conduct yourself appropriately, always behave fairly and use restraint. In conversations, you’re inclined to overreact with colleagues and bosses. Be especially careful of doing this otherwise you end up putting any plans and prospects at risk.
Your life is complicated. You have plenty of admirers, but no time for them. When you do manage to get going, you become sex-obsessed. You find it difficult to stop, even if it's no fun anymore. Show some restraint, otherwise this lack of sensitivity might turn you off sex altogether.
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