Your ability to understand any situation is good and you’re able to undertake any sort of mental task. Equally, you’re communicating without any difficulty, so possible negotiations or similar conversations turn out to be successful. You also find your general level of curiosity is heightened and you’re keen to acquire knowledge and learn as much as you can.
Your partner is amazed by your capacity to sort out any relationship problem, and how effective you can be at resolving issues for others and giving them valuable advice. You're able to show others how to make compromises and offer encouragement to loved ones, so they confront their issues head-on.
You're a formidable negotiator. Your colleagues notice, and it’s unlikely you're subject to any sort of deception; you easily spot attempts of others to try and outwit you. You're continually developing improvements to the systems you employ and use your capacity to make improvements when you need them.
You exude a sensual aura of eroticism so don't be surprised if subtle winks or inviting glances are aimed in your direction. A harmless date can easily turn into a cauldron in the bedroom. Be careful not to be disrespectful with your overtly demanding love-making display – always show your partner the consideration they deserve.
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