Your ability to understand any situation is good and you’re able to undertake any sort of mental task. Equally, you’re communicating without any difficulty, so possible negotiations or similar conversations turn out to be successful. You also find your general level of curiosity is heightened and you’re keen to acquire knowledge and learn as much as you can.
You're able to tackle something you’ve been thinking about for a considerable amount of time and make a long-standing wish a reality. Perhaps by starting a new hobby or getting in touch with old friends. With your open approach, you're able to instinctively trust in your gut feelings about the best way to proceed.
You express your ideas clearly and precisely. Many of the concepts you put forward impress your colleagues, and you're aware of the steps you need to take to advance your career. You’re the driving force behind your team; let others participate in your plans and share in your eagerness to make them a reality.
Things are running smoothly where your sex life is concerned. Plenty of people wouldn't mind getting up close with you. Go along with fun stuff but don't feel forced to do things. If you just feel like a cuddle and want to leave the sex till later, your partner of the moment will have to accept it. Anticipation only serves to heighten the pleasure.
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